Month: November 2009

  • Allotment Plot

    The plot thickens. A uniform is most sort after for the Community Gardener and will be under construction sometime soon….. Herbs were planted at the Allotment Plot at MERL; sage, garlic chives, mint, roots scavenged from the somewhat altered Herb Garden at the Fine Art Department. Digital images were taken of peas, broad beans, onions,…

  • Guerrilla Gardening

    Yesterday I went Guerrilla Gardening. The location was at the end of Cumberland Road just below School Terrace in Reading. The project was to weed a big neglected concrete tub, then to plant bulbs and other garden vegetation in it. Whilst I worked on the tub, various people spoke to me, most of them thanked…

  • Garlic

    There has been rain over the last few days and some sunshine. The soil at the allotment has softened with the moisture. Today I planted two rows of garlic, each clove approximately 15-20cms apart. I used two types of garlic. The first type was Thermidrome,  one bulb that contained 14 cloves and the other type…

  • Working the Surface

    Brown earth as canvas/paper, framed edged by green grass, crouching, bending, intent figure, drawing tools, fork, trowel, bulb planter, scratching, digging into earth surface, measuring and judging distances, carving space, planting seed action, scraping, covering, flattening earth disturbance, worm casts, avoiding worm harm, leaving seeds in ground, walking away, later watching magpies from the window…