Category: Plot

  • The end

    25th September 2012 – Allotment Plot 326, it was over a week since Ella Montt’s last visit to Plot 326. There was evidence of a very slight frost; a dip in temperature that had tinged a few leaves of the Squash plants with the touch of autumnal death that signified their end. However, a few…

  • 2012

    At another location, Ella Montt stood in the dark, gazing at distant stars in the night sky. The fixed up greenhouse had avoided total breakage. A wooden fence laid flattened, adjacent, but not quite touching the glass. Blades of grass must have resisted the winds force and intervened to stop the glass shattering back to…

  • Slug Potato

    On 20th November 2011, at Allotment Plot 326, it was a still day, perfect for digging, there were no other visible allotment worker around. At Plot 326, it was never possible for any tranquil sound of birds singing to exist, because of the continuous sound of human machine traffic that came from roadway beyond the…

  • Peas, Fence, Frame, Destruction

    10th July 2011 – Allotment Plot 326 – Harvest: Peas Ezeta’s Krombek Blauwschokker = 5oz = 150g, Oregon Sugar Pod II = 5.5oz = 160g, a mix of Kelvedon Wonder, Ambassador and Meteor = 1lb 3oz = 550g. 12th July 2011 – Allotment Plot 326 – R&P helped to erect some of the fence around…

  • June 15th and 16th

    The previous evening (June 15th), Ella Montt had travelled with William Morris up the river to visit a group of humans who wished to hear Morris speak at a social space. The place was where it is oval down by the gasworks, a short walk from the river. Whilst Morris spoke, they had left his…

  • Another Transplant

    19th May 2011 – Another transplant was performed. The sprouting Sweet Potato and Comfrey that had been growing roots in the studio left the holding area and transported to Allotment Plot at MERL. Other plants were also relocated from the fixed up greenhouse to new positions on the Plot. These plants were: 1 x Melon…

  • Transplants

    11th May 2011 – In the studio, the cultivation of Comfrey and Sweet Potato plants in glass jars continues. The Sweet Potato’s rhizomatic roots were accumulating in to an amazing mass at one end of the tuber, whilst at the other end of the tuber the vine leaves also sprouted. Soon it will be time…

  • Sun Drought Frost Rain

    18th April 2011 – In the studio the rooting Sweet Potato was observed sitting in its glass jam jar of water on the table in front of the window. The Sweet Potato was absorbing the sun light. A tiny dark reddish/ purple leafy sprout (slip) had emerged from the tuber. Ella Montt stared at the…

  • Comfrey and Seed Planting

    Tuesday 12th April 2011 – At Allotment Plot 326, digging of an area of ground was completed. Seeds were then planted as follows: Leeks Almera, Kale Red Russian Curled, Beetroot Bolivar, Carrot Amsterdam Forcing, and Carrot Rothild. Ella Montt noted that both a Carrot fly deterrent barrier and also a Heavy Metal collection of CD’s…

  • Digging

    Allotment Plot 326 sits in the great field with many other allotment plots. It is part of a social system that gave humans a right to an allotment of land. Desire for an allotment plot can be a utopian dream. Reality of working an allotment or making the allotment succeed involves much hard effort. In…