Category Archives: Allotments

Companion Planting, Vibrancy and Pestilance

13th June 2012 – at Allotment Plot At MERL, there had been heavy rain on the 11th. The temperature was often chilly for June, but at that moment the sun was out, (although later in the day grey clouds would accumulate blocking the warmth of rays from the golden light object mass). Ella Montt was in a hurry; she was involved in the cultivation field so access to the Allotments Plots was limited.

The Peas were flowering and Pods were starting to form. The Broad Beans had flowered, but Pods had not yet formed. Some black fly was now present on the Broad Bean plants. The chill in the air was delaying the growth of many of the plants. At least rain had fallen recently to quench the plant roots thirst. Other companion plants were starting to flower; these were Borage, Calendula Pot Marigold, and Green Manure Phacelia. Other companion plants such as Chamomile, Cosmos and Sunflowers, were as yet still seedlings. At another location, the fixed up greenhouse, germinating seeds and seedlings were having difficulties, because the weather temperatures were so erratic and extreme. The heat and inclemency was causing inconsistent growth for un-established plant units, the result of which was becoming a system failure in adequate diversity of vegetable plants for the allotment-growing year. The alarm of unreliable vegetable production was not an ideal situation, but would be relieved temporarily by the Pea production at forthcoming harvesting. Meanwhile at Allotment Plot at MERL, most of the plants looked healthy and did not appear to be suffering.

Ella Montt planted out two Gardener’s Delight Tomato plants and a Black Beauty Courgette between the Pea plants. Then she took a handful of Sweet Corn True Gold, Squash and Bean seeds, distributed them randomly (with intent) and embedded them in the soil. The Onions, the Garlic and the Potatoes physical condition were good. Rocket Esmee was flowering, because it had remained unharvested.

17th June 2012 – At Allotment Plot 326, a challenging situation had developed because the Allotment Plot had been left unattended. The plants were out of control and a chaotic situation of wild plant growth had over grown areas left uncultivated. Ella Montt quickly worked an area that had been somewhat protected by a cardboard covering. Then planted out Squash seedlings, unsure if they would be able to survive against the ferocious mouths of predators. More wild pants were already going to seed, so their removal would not stop the self-seeding reproductive system that was already in process. The Plot next to 326 had not been touched by human hand since early summer 2011 so each passing breeze amplified the situation of wild seed multiplicity. The potential fruit on the Apple and Cherry trees had disappeared perhaps because of drought followed by torrential rain and winds blowing with force across the unprotected Allotment.

Harvest: Broad Beans Superaquadulce = 3lbs 11oz = 1.95kg; Chard = 7.5 oz = 205g; Spinach Perpetual Leaf Beet = 4.5oz = 130g.

27th June 2012 – Pestilence had arrived at Allotment Plot at MERL in the form of a plague of Black Fly. So far the plague was only on the Broad Beans. It was disturbing to see the once healthy plants inflicted in this manner. The other plants seemed uninfected. The orange and blue of companion flowering plants and pink of the Pea flowers were striking against green plant foliage covering the rest of the Plot. The plague of insect life seemed to be consuming the plants energetic force field, suffocating the vibrancy that had pulsated through the plants.

Harvest: a mixture of Peas = 11oz = 300g, Mange Tout Oregon Sugar Pod II = 11oz = 300g.


03 May 2012 – At Allotment Plot at MERL the Soil was wet. Ella Montt earthed-up the Potatoes as EB watched from the reading room window. Frost was still a danger and could be for a while. Last growing year (2011) frost came late. The soil was a necessary protection for the Potato plants and any forming tubers.

Ella Mott replanted some of the Peas, because wild life was feasting on the tender germinating shoots as they emerged from the soil. Ella Mott continued to construct a support system for the Pea plants that will succeed in growth beyond seedling state. Whilst Peas grow they extend tendrils to grab on to what they can, if there is no object to support the plants they collapse. If the Pea plants have collapsed in to a mass of plant material, it makes it harder for insect life to gain easy access to Pea flowers for fertilization. This results in less Pea pods. The plants at the bottom of the mass closer to the soil are more likely to rot in wet weather. Peas are easier to harvest if the plant has a support system.

Next to the Peas the replanted Broad Beans were growing healthily. Rocket Esmee was flowering and going to seed. A slug or snail had stripped the leaves of the Comfrey that was trying to grow in the Brick Composter; only the skeletal remains of the plant were left. At that moment the temperature and conditions felt right for the time of year. Active bird life could be heard in the trees and bushes surrounding the garden.

6th May 2012, in the morning at the fixed up Green House Ella Montt planted more Squash and Tomato seeds. It was late in the year to be planting Tomato seeds, but other seedlings had died in the extremes of hot and cold weather, so replacements were needed.

On the same day, at Allotment Plot 326, Ella Montt dug a section of soil. The soil was moist and heavy. Ella Montt planted vegetable seeds. The Garlic was growing well, the Onions not so much so. Some Potato foliage was emerging out of the soil.

Seeds planted: Parsnip Halblange White; Leek Giant Winter; Carrot Rothschild; Turnip Golden Ball; Spinach Perpetual Leaf Beet.

Harvest: A mixture of Chard and Spinach = 4oz = 120g.

10th May 2012, torrential rain stopped Ella Montt from going to the Plot. On 11th May at Allotment Plot at MERL, Ella Montt removed some of the self-seeded companion planting Pot Marigolds, because there was an abundance of them.  The removed seedlings were to be taken to another location and replanted. May 11th was day of beauty, a breeze moved the clouds around the blue sky and sunlight warmed the soil.

The Broad Beans growth continued to look green and healthy. The Peas growth was more sporadic. Last night Ella Montt had witnessed the legendary authority on vegan organic growing (Tolhurst) speak on biodiversity and under-sewing crops with green manure plants; the act of which helps to suppress weeds whilst improving the quality of the soil.

Harvest: Rocket Wild and Esmee = 4oz = 120g.

24th May 2012 – It was a warm day. The soil was drying in to a concrete like structure. The Vegetables were growing. The Peas, the Broad Beans, the Potatoes, the Onions and the Garlic, they were all growing. An uncertainty drifted and hung in the air, the danger of frost had surly passed? The replanted Broad Beans were starting to flower. A few black fly were on the plants, but it did not seem like it would be a problem.

Parched Earth, Rain Fall

2nd April 2012, at Allotment Plot 326 the parched Earth was resigned to the tight grip that Drought had on the soil. The grip was in the process of tightening. The soil was cracking. Blossoms enclosed in tight buds were forming on the fruit trees and bushes, but the young Plum Tree, planted a year ago on the Plot, looked like at some point in time it had died. The over-wintered Garlic continued to grow, but the Onions were very thin and faltering. Broad Bean foliage looked uncertain. Water levels in rivers, lakes and human-made reservoir storage facilities were very low. Rain needs to fall in the winter months to really soak the ground. Any rain that falls in the summer months evaporates again too easily or floods because it cannot be absorbed quick enough in to dry ground.

Soil was uncovered and prepared. Potatoes were planted in trenches. Ella Montt saw a Toad climb across the disturbed earth. The Toad headed for some cardboard and disappeared in to concealment. Worms extended their bodies across the soil and sank back in to its hidden depths.

Black smoke rose in to the air from somewhere across the Allotments. A waft of unpleasant aroma moved through the air producing a smell of incinerating plastic or some other unidentified entity.

Seeds planted = Potato Red Duke of York and Nicola.

9th April 2012 – Allotment Plot 326, the fruit blossoms were close to opening. More potatoes were planted. The Hose Pipe ban had come in to affect, yet it had rained.

Seeds planted = Potato Desiree.

12th April 2012, at Allotment Plot at MERL Ella Montt weeded the Plot. The plant residue was placed in the Brick Composter. It had rained after the Hose Pipe Ban came in to affect, but this did not mean that the drought was over. The two-winter drought had depleted stores of water and rivers. Rain in winter seeps in to the ground. Rain in the summer months may not build up the water reserves and reverse the drought; because it is warmer the moisture evaporates more easily.

Ella Montt started to cut the bamboo in to 110cm lengths. The bamboo was pushed it in to the hard ground to erect supports for the Pea plants. A net structure was tied between the supports for the Peas to cling on to.

14th April 2012, in the fixed up Greenhouse at another location, some Tomato seedlings were emerging. Ella Montt planted more seeds. Close by a Black Bumble Bee had chosen to nest under some old concrete; soon smaller Bee Friends would be

Seeds planted: Cucumber Tanja x 6, Marketmore x 6; Melon Sivan Fi x 6; Courgette Black Beauty x 12, Gold Rush x 5; Marrow Long Green Bush x 4, Sunburst F1 x 5, Tigers Cross x 5; Pumpkin Mars x 6, Giant Atlantic x 4, Connecticut Field x 4 ; Squash Big Max x 3, Twonga x 6.

16th April 2012, Allotment Plot 326, now the fruit blossoms were bursting open, but the Plum tree stilled seemed dead. More potatoes were planted and other seeds. The soil was dry, the earth parched, even after April showers.

Seeds planted: Potato Charlotte; Onion Red Baron x 250g; Broad Bean  Hangdown Green x 20; Brussels Sprout Groninger; Leek Blue Green Winter; Carrot Rodelika; Beetroot Bolivar.

20th April 2012, at Allotment Plot at MERL the soil looked more moist. The showers of April seemed as though they had jumped back in to synchronicity and a more expected rhythm. Ella Montt examined the Plot for evidence of wildlife consuming the vegetable seedlings as they emerged from the soil. Sometimes there was no evidence; plant material vanished without any trace.

30th April 2012, by the end of April rainfall had accelerated in to a sudden deluge. The ground under the surface was still parched and hard, so the water in some places flooded. Within a matter of days it became the wettest April on the Island in over one hundred years. Once again there was an experience of extreme weather.

Field Mouse, Potato

26th March 2012 – At Allotment Plot 326, Ella Montt removed items that were cluttering up the shed and in doing so disturbed a Field Mouse habitat. A Mouse exited the shed in the bottom of a big tub that had drainage holes around its base, after a few moments hesitation the Mouse escaped from the tub by squeezing through one of the holes. Then the Mouse ran across the Plot and disappeared down a hole next to the netted area of over wintered cabbage plants. Ella Montt had discovered many Mouse network holes across the Plot. She much preferred the Mice to larger rodent creatures.

Ella Montt moved the patterned carpet and repositioned it so that she had access to the soil next to the Broad Beans, Onions and Garlic. The soil was dug over. The left arm of the digger had suffered a fracture in December 2011 and was not as strong as it had been prior to this happening; battle with bramble rhizomes was now more difficult. Covering the soil whilst not in plant production was necessary to thwart bramble invasion. Ella Montt planted some more Broad Bean seeds. The seeds seemed vibrant and ready for growth activation. Parsnip seeds were planted next to the Broad Beans.

Plot 326’s soil was starting to crack, because of lack of rain. The pile of apple tree branch wood had dried to tinder. Ella Montt repositioned the woodpile, so that she could fold back the ground cover beneath it to examine the soil, which had been covered over the winter. The soil was ready for planting, so the covering was replaced to wait for the planting activity to commence. It was essential that the soil was not left uncovered, because the heat from the sun would evaporate any moisture contained with in it.

Seeds Planted: Broad Bean Hangdown Green 1 row x 10 seeds; Parsnip Halblange White 3 rows (an unspecified amount of seeds).

29th March 2012 – Allotment Plot at MERL’s soil was starting to harden. Ella Montt forced a hand fork in to the ground and finished planting the row of EKB Peas. Non-human wildlife is eager to find food so any germinating seeds that rise from the soil when the plot is unattended, will be at great risk and will probably be eaten before the plants have time to mature. One frost damaged Globe Artichoke plant had survived from last year and was starting to revive.

The sky was blue and cloudless apart from the trails from aeroplanes. The temperature was pleasantly warm, almost like a summer day, however it was still March. On the Island, Human purchases of Water Butts were reported to be up by 800%, yet there was still no rain to fill the Butts. At another location water was saved after utensil cleaning activity to be deposited on the soil surrounding plant life in the garden.

Ella Montt took the garden fork and removed some of the dried plant material from the Brick Composter and placed it in the wheelbarrow. The plant material had yet to fully decompose, because lack of moisture was preventing this. EB stepped out of the reading room window and joined Ella Montt at the Plot. Together they dug the soil over and made trenches for potatoes to be planted in the Plot. The Potatoes were placed in the ground. Ella Montt used the garden spade to shovel the new soil from the Brick Composter on to the Plot to cover the newly planted Potatoes. EB earthed the Potatoes up. The remaining dried plant material was emptied from the wheelbarrow back in to the Brick Composter. Ella Montt fetched the watering can and watered the Plot. EB stepped back in to the reading room.

Seeds Planted: Pea (Edible Podded) Ezetha’s Krombek Blaschokker x 30 seeds; Potatoes Lady Balfour Main Crop Potato x 15.

Harvest: a pinch of Chives.

March, almost without Precipitation

In the human settlement of Reading, the month of March 2012 was without Precipitation apart from on the 4th March. Even before the month was over it was possible for Ella Montt to gaze in to the crystal ball and see that the forecast contained no evidence that Precipitation would occur in that time period. The weather was and is beautiful. The temperatures seem perfect, yet a paradox exists, and within the paradox sits the object that is Global Warming. The object is almost a phenomenon, but at the same time it is still an object, a living, vibrant object, pulsating in a galaxy amongst other stars and planets. The humans, who existed within the object, were vigilant to extend the object so that Global Warming could continue on its path. The Warming that produced the pleasurable temperatures and dryness of March had the power to seduce the human population. Desirable sunshine mellowed each day as it passed. Some of the humans did not notice the Warming, because they existed in the state of mellow seduction and could not sense the dryness of the soil or the moisture levels receding.

1st March 2012 – Allotment Plot 326 – Ella Montt continued to cover the soil with processed tree products to act as a barrier mulch to decrease moisture evaporation. Leeks and a Parsnip were dug up.

Harvest: Leeks Blue Green Winter = 4oz = 100g; Parsnips Halblange = 6oz = 180g.

9th March 2012 – Allotment Plot at MERL – Ella Montt returned to the Plot, the anticipated sunshine was absent and the sky was dull grey. In the garden last night at another location Ella Montt had gazed at a large Moon, it was white and full, small clouds drifted through across the sky in formation. The sky on this particular night was a thing of exquisite beauty, the Moon a spectacle of infinite eternity. Beyond the Moon in further regions, many light years a way, new stars were forming. Back on Earth, the air that surrounded the Plot had a delicate refinement that was devoid of all moisture content.

At the Plot shoots of Garlic were starting to emerge. Broad Beans were not apparent. The Onions looked weak. Ella Montt harvested the remaining Leeks and then removed more Mint Rhizomes. The Sage plants seemed to be dead so they were dug up. Where the herbs had been removed, Rocket and Beetroot seeds were planted. The Bamboo wigwam was dismantled. The long Bamboo lengths were cut in half so that they could be stored in the rafters of the shed. Stones were gathered in to a wheelbarrow and dispensed to the wild part of the garden amongst the trees.

Harvest: Leeks Blue Green Winter = 5oz = 150g; Herb roots (Mint, Chives, Thyme, Sage, and Strawberry) = 3lb 1oz = 1.48Kg

14th March 2012 – At another location, a Sweet Potato was placed in a glass jar filled with water.

15th March 2012 – The day had started of shrouded in chilling fog, which had the gradually melted away to produce an almost cloudless light blue sky. At Allotment Plot at MERL the soil was very dry. A huge Bumble Bee murmured close by, it was in search of emerging petaled flowers. Ella Montt planted three rows of Broad Beans next to the Brick Composter. These Beans were replacements for ones that were planted in the Autumn to overwinter, which had never appeared. Next five rows of Peas were planted.

Seeds Planted: Rocket Esmee; Heirloom Beetroot Flat of Egypt; Broad Bean Superaquadulce x 1 row, Supersimonia x 2 rows; Pea Meteor x 60 seeds, Kelvedon Wonder x 60 seeds, Ambassador x 60 seeds, (Mange-tout) Oregon Sugar Pod x 60 seeds and (Edible Podded) Ezetha’s Krombek Bluaschokker x 15 seeds.

19th March 2012 – Allotment Plot 326 – It continued to be dry, a drought was in full effect. There seemed little point in planting seeds at Plot 326. The overwintered Broad Beans were gradually being nibbled. There was evidence of mouse activity. Garlic and Onions were slowly, slowly growing. Ella Montt demolished a mound of compost, distributed it and then covered the area with tree products (newspaper, cardboard, wood). A blue trap was unfolded, stretched across part of the Plot and then weighted down with wood. The tarp and the tree product mulch were aids in moisture retention, if there was any left in the soil at all, it needed to be contained and restricted from evaporation. Worms were sent messages encouraging their participation in soil maintenance production. Ella Montt had decided the digging needed to be restricted and weed growth hampered. There were no vegetables to harvest.

22nd March 2012 – At Allotment Plot at MERL, it was truly a hungry gap. It would be some weeks before any harvest could be contemplated. Pot Marigold seeds were germinating on the Plot and some Rocket. A Globe Artichoke plant that had been frost damaged contemplated revival. Ella Montt fetched the watering can, a hose pipe ban was soon to be enforced across the land.

24th March 2012 – In the fixed up green house at another location, more seeds were planted.

Seeds planted: Tomato Golden Queen, San Marzano, Rotkappchen, St. Pierre; Sunflower Tiger EyeSunrise Yellow; Celeriac Ibis; Celery Tall Utah; Cabbage (Savoy) Marner Grufewi, Vertus.

Winter Drought

The Allotment Plots are sitting in an area experiencing a two-year winter drought.

On the 9th February at Allotment Plot at MERL, it was a cold, dull, grey day. The ground was dry and frigid. Evaporation was methodically drying the soil. The recent weather conditions had been a mixture of bright sunshine, frost, snow and a lack of rain; the frost however, was not icy, because of this. The Mulberry Tree sat next to the Plot breathing slowly, waiting for Spring and it’s sap to rise again. Ella Montt had arrived at the Plot anticipating the harvesting of slender Leeks, but the Leeks were too slim pickings and so were left attached to the soil. The potential of this year’s plant growth within the Plot was severely delayed. The evidence of vegetables was becoming questionable to the human eye. Garlic and Onion shoots looked like they were trying to emerge from the soil, but they seemed most uncertain. A force that stretched from across the galaxy and interacted with the Earth’s moisture flow was restricting Ella Montt’s efforts.

12th February 2012 – At Allotment Plot 326 snow lay on the ground, some of it had melted away. Leeks were harvested. Drought continued.

Harvest: Leeks Blue Green Winter = 1lb 7oz = 650g.

24th February 2012 – There was still no rain and the temperature was almost like an early spring. Many breathing objects, including humans, announced that the climatic conditions were quite beautiful. Kant walked outside in to the open air and nodded with agreement. In the fixed-up greenhouse at another location, Ella Montt decided it was not too early to plant seeds.

Seeds planted: Brussels Sprouts Darkmor 21; Tomato Marmande, Chadwick and Brandywine; Pepper (Hot) Earley Jalapeno and Ring O’Fire; Artichoke Arad and Aubergine Black Beauty.


At another location, Ella Montt stood in the dark, gazing at distant stars in the night sky. The fixed up greenhouse had avoided total breakage. A wooden fence laid flattened, adjacent, but not quite touching the glass. Blades of grass must have resisted the winds force and intervened to stop the glass shattering back to sand. A tall evergreen tree stood nearby, light shone through a new opening between the branches where the wind had snapped off a bough.

12th January 2012 – At Allotment Plot at MERL, Ella Montt looked in to the future and saw that this part of the Plot would continue for another eight or nine human months, then fade and finish. Residues of the Plot would remain in cyberspace’s eternal digital format, but this particular Plot of land would no longer be cultivated by Ella Montt. Data will be collated, analysed and submitted.

Strong winds in the previous week (or so) had blown down the bamboo framing system that had remained on the Plot from the last summer. The large bamboo tripod wigwam was unaffected. An assistant had removed the collapsed bamboo to the side of the Plot so that it would not cause visual disturbance to the garden. Ella Montt’s arm was still damaged, but with more assistance the bamboo was removed from the Plot and placed in the rafters of the newly neatened shed. Ella Montt collected her tools that had been reallocated different positions within the shed system and repositioned the tools in a corner; then carefully the door was closed before further adjustments were made.

The Plot was very much asleep, in a state of hibernation. Unlike the previous two years the overwintered vegetable plants had failed so far to grow. Echoes of the word drought bounced across the Island, ricocheting of human built buildings and permeating human toiled land, as the plants large and small adjusted their moisture intake to maximize their life support systems. It was still very early in the growing year so there will be plenty of time for the vegetables to develop vibrant growth and catch up on their slow start.

A report had been over heard stating that in another part of the Island over sixty types of plant had recently been counted flowering early. It was already an exceptional year! This premature flowering was brought on by warmer weather conditions and although once deemed unusual, some humans were noticing this occurrence and wondering at the implications. Insects will become confused. Danger was implyed, as fruit flowers may be damaged if temperatures plummet. Harvests can be affected if blossoms are too early. The natural world would need to be tampered with by more human intervention to trick plants in to producing product for the human needs. The Planet might not like this, and so will allow Nature to continue to sabotage itself under the option of free will that is written in to their agreement. Auto destruct might become inevitable. This year is 2012.

Harvest: Leeks Blue Green Winter = 5oz = 150g.

21st January 2012 – Allotment Plot 326 – It was a windy day, and warm for the position on the Planet and the time of its spinning cycle. The sky was darkening in to shadow of night. Cardboard and newspaper was spread across areas of the Plot to lessen the vibrant growth of undesired plants in the planting areas of the Plot. Other human processed tree products that were still in the form of wood, but adjusted, weighted down the human processed tree products that will act as mulch covering the soil. Parsnips were dug from the earth. Heavy frost had killed the young Globe Artichokes, the plants skeleton forms laid wasted on the ground.

Harvest: Parsnips Halblange = 3lbs 12oz = 1.7Kg.

26th January 2012 – Allotment Plot at MERL – It had rained, and now the sky was cloudless, a shade of winter clear blue. The soil was wetted after a long dry spell. It hardly seemed worth harvesting some of the remaining leeks, because of their slenderness, but a source of vital calcium is contained in their leaves. Perhaps the leeks left rooted to the soil would grow some more now it had rained? (The Leeks at Allotment Plot 326 are much bigger in size). Spikes of Garlic and Onion were starting to emerge from the soil, their germination seemed very late compared to the last two growing years. Several Celeriac plants were left in the ground; they had not produced substantial bulging of the roots.

There was a change in the Plot that was subtle, yet concise. The Plot had been interfered with, but not by Ella Montt. Sage plants had been cut back and other material altered. The bamboo tripod had been removed but then replaced. Strange alterations that will not be continued.

Ella Montt took a bag of Spelt and scattered it across the Plot in an area next to the Brick Composter. Spelt is ancient wheat and more easily digestible than the wheat that has permeated a large proportion of human’s nutritional diets in this contemporary era. There was no sign of the Sweet Potato slips towards the central area of the Plot, or of the Peas or Broad Beans planted to overwinter. It is hard to predict what the harvest will be for this growing year; the view in the crystal ball was distant and hazy. Planting and harvesting is a constant experimentation. This years Seed Potatoes arrived in a box. It is too early yet to plant them in the ground. EB gazed out the reading room window; Ella Montt nodded to her and then returned the tools to the shed.

Harvest: Leeks Blue Green Winter = 2oz = 65g.

Compost Capitalism

1st December 2011, at Allotment Plot at MERL, the sky was dull and grey, but in the garden at MERL, birds were singing. Ella Mott had been alerted to the fact that the Island was suffering from lack of moisture. Although it had rained lightly recently, this was not enough and the soil if you wiggled in to it or dug a hole, would reveal dryness not that far from the surface. The soil was only experiencing water as it met the open air. There was not an abundance of water flowing through the Island’s rivers or stored for human convenience in their reservoirs. If another dry winter was about to occur there could be a problem for many living things and their animation may be depleted. A quagmire was not required, but consistent moisture was needed to make plant material grow, unless the plant was drought resistant. A capitalist society required a lot of water to fully function and even basic vegetable survival will continue to be impaired. The moisture contained within last winter’s snow had evaporated in to the atmosphere, traveled across the galaxy and was now reaching another Planet far far away known currently as Kelper 22-b that a Kelper space telescope was watching as the next and nearest Earth candidate. Preparation and boarding passes were in the process of being administrated once Seti had been established as friendly. Ella Montt pondered this amazing phenomena; that there are more vibrant green Planets beyond the sky and much more life out there than any processing device could have ever dreamed of. Establishing if life forms were replicants of human imagination would remain questionable for sometime, but if the humanoids was able to survive its own Planet’s devastation from its own humanoid attack it could be an interesting prospect to meet Seti, as long as the life forms were not similar to Yuuzhan Vong.

At MERL the Allotment Plot had experienced a frost; the Climbing Beans were now all dead. Ella Montt cut the Climbing Bean stalks, leaving the roots in the soil and for now the vines on the bamboo supports. A grey squirrel moved horizontally in the trees across the garden. Wings of birds flapped and beaks emitted sounds. It was getting dark very early. The last of the Parsnips were dug from the ground. Slender leeks were allowed to remain rooted in the soil. A single Fennel plant stood defiant and seemingly unaffected by the frost, whilst a tiny Artichoke plant that had remained a stunted seedling and not grown to the same volume as Allotment Plot 326’s Artichoke pioneers, wondered if it could survive winter.

Harvest: Parsnip Halblange = 10.5oz = 895g; Leeks Blue Green Winter = 4oz = 115g; a few leaves of Rocket.

8th December 2011, it was a dark and stormy day, north of the Island was experiencing bruising by a winter storm. Extreme winds whipped across the mountain land. A Wholly Mammoth appeared and walked across the horizon.

At Allotment Plot at MERL, William Morris was standing amongst the rose bushes, deftly embroidering a tapestry in muted shades of autumnal thread. Rolls of wall paper were clutched under one arm. He suddenly announced that his work was not meant to be for the 1% who could really afford to pay the inflated commodity price, but for the 99% to inherit the patterns as a means to assist in building an achievable utopian future. The decorative plant depictions were a map to inspire the Composting of Capitalism, but right now the patterned items would help to furnish and insulate the Occupy tents at the Dome until new ways of human existence could be conceived and become universally operational.

There was no harvest today. Ella Montt had seen moisture in the crystal ball seven day forecast, so she left the slim Leeks to become more substantial. It was almost dark and no birds were singing. The Plot was taking on a new winter life form of slow activity. There was no sign of the overwintering seeds growing, which seemed odd as during the months of December in the two previous year, the growth of new plants had been apparent.

The next day, 9th December 2011, Ella Montt visited Allotment Plot 326. It was a perfect digging day. More soil was dug over with a fork, more Potatoes were found. A quantity of Broad Beans were planted and the last of the overwintering Onions.

Planted: Onion Radar x 10; Broad Bean Superaquadulce 2 rows x 12 beans = 24.

Harvested: Oriental Greens Tai Sai = 2oz = 50g; Parsnip Halblange = 2lb 4oz = 1.15Kg; Potato Sante = 1lb = 450g; Carrot Rothchild = 4oz =110g; Perpetual Spinach = 2oz = 60g; Rainbow Chard = 4oz = 110g; Kale Red Russian Curled = 1oz = 25g.

20 December 2011, Time had drifted by again, not aimlessly, but in nonstop motion, a stream of events, that at one point included Ella Montt moving with velocity through the air, landing on her head that was luckily protected, but also an arm that resulted in its malfunctioning. The malfunction would not allow the arm to lift a garden fork tool or barely grasp a packet of seeds! Although the situation was improving, digging was now out of the question until approximately the end of January. Earth was starting to grind to a halt under the weight of the Capitalist performance. If the humanoids could learn to completely Compost Capitalism and use different systems of existence that were more in harmony with plants, then perhaps Earth would start to spin again.

Slug Potato

On 20th November 2011, at Allotment Plot 326, it was a still day, perfect for digging, there were no other visible allotment worker around. At Plot 326, it was never possible for any tranquil sound of birds singing to exist, because of the continuous sound of human machine traffic that came from roadway beyond the hedge. The noise of traveling machines was loud and deadened the human audio facility. A rabbit had died under horrific circumstance, some fur and skin were left in one area of the allotment plot and organs found in another area of the plot. There was no sign of fresh blood, the killer, (a fox perhaps?), was long gone. Ella Montt avoided stepping on the partial remains and went to dig in another part of the plot that had previously contained potatoes. More potatoes were discovered hidden in the soil. One potato was damaged with holes, on breaking the potato open Ella Montt discovered a colony of five slugs living inside it, so the potato was set aside so that wildlife would not be interfered with and their occupation could continue. Onion sets were planted next to the garlic.

A pile of newspaper that had accumulated was taken from the shed and spread across an area of soil that had not yet been dug. The newspaper was weighted down with pieces of wood collected from around the plot. Text and images printed on the newspaper reflected towards the cloud-covered sky. The sky blankly starred back at the newspaper. The print will fade and texts dissolve in to the soil as the elements react with it. Time will eradicate the papers existence. The words will loose their importance. The plant matter beneath the newspaper should integrate with worm activity invigorating the structure of the soil.  Across the plot, there was evidence that small creatures were digging themselves in to hibernate for the winter. There were plenty of places for them to hide. Carpet positions were adjusted on the plot.

Planted: Onion Radar x 80. Harvest: Potato Charlotte = 1lb 5oz = 600g.

24 November 2011 – Allotment Plot at MERL – It was the human thanksgiving festive season that had evolved from thanking to not thanking, forgetting to be thankful, but was now perhaps moving towards being more thankful once again. The native human ran through the forest of trees, then jumped and transformed in to its spirit form; wolf, bear, moose, raven… A small bird (Robin) sung hidden in a tree. Kant leaned over and nudged Ella Montt; reflect on that sound the bird is singing, it is beautiful. Cage, who was sitting on the other side of Ella Montt, nodded in agreement. The three all agreed that action to stop a second silent spring would be necessary.

The leaves that Ella Montt had gathered last week were still covering the soil of the Plot and not yet rotted. The Brick Composter remained full. Ella Montt harvested herbs, leeks, parsnips and four Blauhide Beans. The harvest was diminishing and would need to be carefully managed to continue vegetable sustainability, however the squash, pumpkin, bean, potato and onion harvest were something to remain thankful for as they continued to act as a nutritional source.

Contemporary Occupation was continuing were it was possible, hindered and unhindered by authoritarian interference. Human protests were happening in many countries across the Planet. Strike loomed, the biggest human industrial action in 0ne hundred years. Ella Montt went in to the reading room to see if there was a solution beyond occupation and protest planting. The rigid concrete barrier of greed that authoritarian humans are erecting across the Earth’s surface needs to be cracked and broken down. Meanwhile birds continue to sing sporadically and forage for winter feed amongst the vegetation.

Harvest: Herbs, Sage and 2 types of Thyme = 0.25oz =5g; Beans (French Climbing) Blauhide x 4 beans = 0.5oz = 10g; Leeks Blue Green Winter = 4.25oz = 120g; Parsnip Halblange = 6.5oz = 180g; Celeriac Ibis = 6oz = 170g.


1/11/11 – Allotment Plot 326- another perfect day to dig. An amount of soil was dug over; all plant residues were removed from dug area to the compost pile. Darkness fell early and ended the activity.

03 November 2011 – At Allotment Plot at MERL, Ella Montt found the Squash plant that had tried so hard in recent weeks to produce fruit, had succumbed to the time of year and died. Ella Montt removed the dead plant from the soil and placed it with respect in to the Brick Composter. The day was warm and Ella Montt was able to harvest Climbing Beans.

In the last few days, Seven Billion humans had notched up their existence on Plant Earth; a fact that was recognised and then forgotten about quickly as more humans started to arrive through the reproductive system. Humans pulled in their stomach muscles because space was in the process of becoming increasingly restricted. The humans continued to work the Earth’s surface, many of them constantly complained that that production was slowing and there was not enough economic growth. Ants and worms, which are also in the process of working the Earth’s surface, could not account to the humans their numerical existence on the Planet. The worms had sent out a warning that fracking for gas had probably caused an earthquake in a northern region of the Island, but the humans needed more energy to drive its machines so would probably forget that detail also sooner or later. The Island’s solar dream suddenly cracked and fell in to pieces on the ground. The worms mumbled at the stupidity of the humans who had shattered the solar dream before its speculative reality could become established and a prominent form of energy across the land.

At Allotment Plot at MERL Autumn was becoming more and more visible in its process. Ella Montt had spent time considering the relationship between the Mint plants and the Sweet Potato plants. The idea that the Mint should be allowed to extend its rhizomes across the Plot was a fascination, but it had now become more interesting to Ella Montt to dig up an amount of the Mint plant and save it as an object in a continuation elsewhere, not to be replanted, but as a dried preserve or as an extracted living mass separated from yet still joined to this particular aspect of the Plot.

The Mint as a plant was in the process of seeking to dominate the Plot. Allowing the Mint plant to grow to an unrestricted size would be appealing, because of its ability to send out runners that created new plant nodes, but the Mint would hinder any attempts in vegetable productivity. It also seemed to equate to a responsibility to the Earth’s surface, if Mint was allowed to overcrowd the Planet would that sustain the ever-increasing human population? Or would the Mint become a plant tyranny? Soon humans may not be able to sit down and might have to just stand if they are all to be accommodated. The crushing of Mint under foot would at least provide a pleasant aroma.

Ella Montt carefully dug up Mint roots and runners exposing herself to the awe of the Plant’s industry. The Plant was embedded in the soil in true complexity. A tinge of regret was experienced as the roots were removed, but by necessity its Plot domination had to be thwarted, and more space was reclaimed for vegetable production. However, a few shoots of broken Mint rhizome may have been left to grow once more so that the Plant will have a chance to regenerate, because it is also a valuable participant in the Plot if not left untamed.

The Sweet Potato plants were removed from the soil and relocated to a central area of the Plot.

Harvest: Beans (French Climbing) Blauhide = 4.5oz = 130g. Mint Root = 9lb 13.5oz = 4.4Kg; Mint foliage, an equal amount (approximately) was placed in the Brick Composter to decompose (although it may root itself and grow).

04 November 2011 – Allotment Plot 326 – Harvest: Oriental Tai Sai = 5oz = 140g; Kale Red Russian Curled = 2oz = 40g; Perpetual Spinach = 4oz = 110g; Rainbow Chard = 4.5oz = 120g.

10 November 2011 – Allotment Plot at MERL – As Ella Montt stepped through the glass door in to the garden a black pheasant was disturbed and it ran from the Mulberry Tree to the cover of the trees across the garden where the foxes have their den. This was the second time Ella Montt had seen the pheasant in the garden. Perhaps the bird was a shape shifter? William Morris had not been seen lately, (because he was busy with the exhibition of his work in London), Ella Montt wondered if the bird was William Morris in disguise?

The Climbing Beans from a distance looked like they needed to be cut down, but on close inspection some of the Plants had started to grow again, as a result of the weather remaining warm. Another Squash plant was attempting to grow. The warmth of November was prolonging the life of some of the plants. Ella Montt tidied up some of the companion planting, which was beginning to fade, whilst the tree leaves grew golden and fell to the ground. Harvest would be minimal.

Ella Montt fetched a fork from the Shed. It was no ordinary day, a pulsating excitement vibrated across the Plot as Ella Montt reached in to a brown paper bag to extract garlic cloves to be planted for over wintering. The Garlic cloves were pushed in the soil in the space that the Mint had occupied. The planting of Onion sets followed this action.

Planted: Elephant Garlic = 2 cloves; Garlic Thermidrome = 9 cloves; Garlic Vallelado = 10 cloves; Onion Radar = 40 sets.

Harvest: a pinch of Coriander Filtro; Leeks Blue Green Winter = 2oz = 60g; Parsnip Halblange White = 15.5oz = 440g; Rocket Wild and Esmee = 1oz = 30g.

14 November 2011 – Allotment Plot 326 – Visibility had been subdued all day. The Sun was like a light bulb with a dimmer switch that had barely been turned on. A mouse seemed to be living in the Plot’s Shed. Ella Montt took the fork from the Shed, and dug more soil. Some hidden potatoes were discovered. Garlic cloves were planted. Ella Montt hoped that next years Garlic harvest would be bountiful and not rot as most of this years Garlic had done after harvesting for no apparent reason apart from the hottest drought inflicted April on record. The soil vibrated with excitement as the over winter planting took place in anticipation of the next calender year’s growing season.

The darkness descended early plunging the allotment in to a blanket of shadow that had a slow grip across the earth’s surface. A bio dome of Plant Life lit by artificial light was floating off in to deep space on the other side of Saturn, tended to by the droid Dewey (Silent Running). The Allotment Plot is firmly rooted to Earth’s human Allotment system, classified as a hegemonic from of Leisure. Ella Montt knew the Practical Planting Practice that she was learning through working on the Plot can be transformed in to methods of survival as eco systems close down though disruptions to synchronicity or if humans experience sudden loss of Planet control through demise of their species from pestilent disease or climate meltdown brought on by their own making. Cultivation of vegetable matter for food consumption will be a necessary skill.

Planted: Elephant Garlic = 3 cloves; Garlic Thermidrome = 24 cloves; Garlic Vallelado = 30 cloves.

Harvest: Oriental Tai Sai = 1.5oz = 40g; Perpetual Spinach = 1.5oz = 40g; Shallots Red Sun = 1.5oz and 40g; Carrots Autumn King = 2oz = 60g; Potatoes Madeline = 1lb 1oz = 480g.

17 November 2011 – Allotment Plot at MERL – Early in the morning it was misty, a light, brisk rain shower started to break up the clouds. Later, when Ella Montt arrived at the Plot the sun emerged for a while. A wheelbarrow, a fork and fairtrade gardening gloves were fetched from the Shed. Next to the Shed was a Sycamore Tree. The trees leaves were mostly fallen to the ground and slowly starting to decompose. Ella Montt filled the wheelbarrow with leaves several times, each time wheeling it across the garden to empty the leaves on to the Plot, then collected more leaves from under the Mulberry Tree. Piles of leaves now covered the Plot, not in a decorative arrangement, but in a deliberate attempt to add mulch to the soil and promote its fertility.

The Sweet Potato plants looked like they were suffering from the cold, yet it was not cold. A weatherman had announced that the temperature of the Island had been throughout November 3 degrees warmer than normal. The temperature was still pleasant for humans, but generally speaking this could assist the decease in synchronicity, elements of life outside of the humans’ windows were becoming further out of alignment and was another indication of global warming, the hyperbobject that surrounds the planet and permeates inside the window.

Ella Montt had observed from a far the disruption to the Occupy protests. Human droids who were also part of the 99% were employed to deter the 99% away from their campsites. Captain Swing had called an emergency meeting at the wood table close to the Plot. William Morris appeared stepping out of his role of wall paper. EB climbed out of the Reading Room window. The four sat around the table and discussed the direction of democracy. The conversation turned to extreme weather, then back to the 99% versus the 1% and then to the problematic desire for economic growth that contributes to the hyperobject. EB reached in to the library to pull out a borrowed image of a crop rotation plan that if used in every garden (dig up the lawn) and allotment of land could reduce dependence on the supermarket. Plant life needed to be depended upon more than authoritarian humans. The conversation returned to extreme weather, the four were concerned about the famine in Afghanistan, extreme drought will be followed by winter snow, many humans in remote areas do not have food to see them through the winter.

Ella Montt was very conscious that the harvest from the Plots that she was working with had dropped back. There was still a store on onions and potatoes. Next year Allotment Plot 326 would need to engage in enhanced vegetable productivity, this productivity is not the same as world economic growth, it is to do with ordinary survival dependent on plant cultivation.

Harvest: mix of Beans (French Climbing) 1oz = 35g; Rocket Wild and Esmee = 0.5oz = 18g; Leeks Blue Green Winter = 3oz = 80g; Celery Tall Utah = 2oz = 60g.